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The UK Immunisation Schedule- What Your Child Needs and When

Most of the talk about vaccines today relates to the coronavirus vaccine and whether it is safe and effective, which one is the best one to take, and how many jabs are required for full immunity. While the COVID vaccine is important and you should speak with your Private GP London if you have any questions about it, there are many other vaccines that we need beginning from 2 months of age. These vaccines help protect us from a wide range of diseases that could not only make us sick, but could lead to long term health issues, physical impairment, even death. You or your child can be vaccinated at any Private Clinic London and your general practitioner will be able to administer them.

With that in mind, we are going to take a look at the UK immunisation schedule and see when your children need vaccines and which ones they need:

2 Months (8 Weeks)

3 Months (12 Weeks)

4 Months (16 Weeks)

12 To 13 Months

2 Years Up to School Year 7

3 Years and 4 Months



Older Adults and Risk Groups:

Pregnant Women:

Contact Northway Clinic

To learn more, contact Northway Clinic today and speak to a healthcare professional who can answer any questions you might have.

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